Are you a responsible tourist? We detail the "Responsible Tourist Decalogue" with the idea of establishing small guidelines to start traveling in a sustainable and respectful way.
Sustainable tourism seeks to minimize the negative impacts on the ecosystem, economy, society and culture of the place where the tourist activity takes place. In other words, a responsible tourist travels with conscience and respect , trying to positively influence the cultural, sociological and ecological situation of the country that is hosting them.
Below we detail the "Responsible Tourist Decalogue" with the idea of establishing small guidelines to start traveling in a sustainable and respectful way.
Plan your trip in advance and assess destinations, accommodation and transportation.
Planning, organization and travel insurance are the key.
Treat people with respect and relate to them as equals.
Our heritage, natural and cultural resources are an inherited asset, and that we must protect and preserve for the enjoyment of future generations.
Choose accommodations, restaurants, activities and services that work towards sustainability and take recycling into account. That they use renewable energy (0% emissions) and that they use ecological and non-toxic materials.
Here we refer to both the means to get to the destination, as well as the one you will use during your vacation.
Whenever possible, choose public transport, bus ..., in this way you will reduce emissions, avoid the collapse of cars in cities and save time and money.
And whenever you can, walk or rent a bike. You will not regret!
On vacation we do not worry about the consumption of water, electricity ... Sometimes, as it is "included", we make excessive use of air conditioning or heating. This attitude hurts business, but it also hurts destiny and the planet. Think twice before doing it!
On vacation we resort to practicality and use disposables to be lighter on our trip. Don't be tempted! Use reusable packaging, avoid plastics and recycle whenever possible.
Protect local biodiversity by respecting regulations and signs.
Be responsible avoiding the purchase of objects of illegal origin, attractions that do not respect the environment and local cuisine that does not respect closed seasons.
It reduces the environmental impact, taking care of the resources of nature.
Respect wildlife and its natural habitat.
In your visits to heritage sites, respect the rules and accesses designed for their conservation and preservation.
Avoid the negative impact that our presence may cause. Our Heritage belongs to everyone. Protect it!
The best experience of a trip is to interact with the inhabitants of the place visited. Research local habits, customs and norms.
Take an interest in greetings in the local language, schedules, clothing, etc.
Take part in local festivals.
In Spain, each city, each town, each street and each square contain a particular story. Hire local professionals to tell you about it.
Consume "KM 0" products.
Use tourist services from local companies.
Stay at establishments run by the local community.
In restaurants, try local cuisine.
Spain has extensive legislation that establishes the rights of users of tourist services.
Can't find what you were looking for? Create your own experience. We design a completely different trip adjusted to your liking.
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